Starting Over? Whenever a relationship ends or if you lose a loved one…
You should re-evaluate your life insurance needs to ensure the commitments you carry forward are protected. Protect Your Children If you have children, you’ll want to purchase enough life insurance to...
View ArticleAm I Prepared for Long-Term Care Expenses?
In general, Americans are not sufficiently prepared to pay for long-term care. Many of them go through their lives simply hoping that they won’t ever need it. Unfortunately, in the event...
View ArticleLife Insurance for Business Owners
If you own your own business, chances are you’ve at least thought about the conditions under which you will make your departure from the business and who is going to take over after you leave. Business...
View ArticleDo You Still Need Life Insurance?
Older people generally have a better understanding of life insurance than younger people.1 But even if you fully understand the costs and potential benefits of life insurance, you may wonder whether...
View ArticleWhat Is Whole Life Insurance?
Most people are familiar with whole life insurance. For many years, whole life policies were the predominant type of life insurance sold in America. When you purchase a whole life policy, you...
View ArticleDo I Need a Business-Owner Policy? I know experts that can help?
Your business may be running smoothly. You could be making money hand over fist. But don’t be lulled into thinking that a catastrophe could never hit your business. Disasters can strike in...
View ArticleSuccession Planning and Life Insurance
When business owners fail to consider the possibility that federal or state estate taxes could be due upon their passing, the cash needed to pay the bill may not be available, and heirs may have no...
View ArticleA Map for Your Family
Your financial life is probably more complicated than you realize. You may have multiple bank, retirement, and investment accounts; insurance policies; a safe-deposit box; and more. You have bills to...
View ArticleAnnuity Living Benefits
Many variable annuity contracts offer “living benefit” guarantees. For an additional cost, the contract holder may be able to purchase guarantees regardless of the account value. Adding a guaranteed...
View ArticleWhat Is Tax Deferral?
“Tax deferral” is a method of postponing the payment of income tax on currently earned investment income until the investor withdraws funds from the account. Tax deferral is encouraged by the...
View ArticleWhat Is the Difference Between an HMO and a PPO?
Selecting health insurance is often one of the most important decisions you will make. Health maintenance organizations (HMOs) and preferred provider organizations (PPOs) are types of managed...
View ArticleHealth Care have you confused? Me too, but I know professionals who can help?
Health-Care Update Starting in 2015, large companies with 100 or more full-time employees must provide affordable health coverage that meets minimum standards, or pay a fine. This requirement will...
View ArticleIf you own an OLD Annuity (7+ years), this is something to consider?
What Is a 1035 Exchange? Named after Section 1035 of the Internal Revenue Code, a 1035 exchange allows life insurance policy owners (and annuity contract owners) to exchange an old policy (or...
View ArticleAnnuity Living Benefits
Many variable annuity contracts offer “living benefit” guarantees. For an additional cost, the contract holder may be able to purchase guarantees regardless of the account value. Adding a guaranteed...
View ArticleAm I Prepared for Long-Term Care Expenses?
In general, Americans are not sufficiently prepared to pay for long-term care. Many of them go through their lives simply hoping that they won’t ever need it. Unfortunately, in the event that you or a...
View ArticleInsurance 101 – Young Families
Last week I attended a continuing education conference and I learned about a non-profit organization who’s sole purpose is to teach the importance of life insurance. I have had an opportunity to...
View ArticleWhat Is Term Life Insurance?
Term life insurance is “pure” insurance. It offers protection only for a specific period of time. If you die within the time period defined in the policy, the insurance company will pay your...
View ArticleLife Insurance for Young Families, Why?
When you’re starting a family you face perhaps the most daunting financial pressures you’ll encounter at any stage of life. Expenses like a new home and young children weigh heavily, and you’re likely...
View ArticleLast-Survivor Life Insurance
Last-survivor life insurance has been a popular estate conservation tool for couples who want to help protect their legacy from estate taxes. Because this type of policy pays a benefit after the...
View ArticleNew Opportunity for Generating Lifetime Income
A survey of people aged 44 to 75 found that 61% fear running out of money in retirement.1 There may be various personal reasons behind this concern, but the decline of traditional pensions, combined...
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